Guys! I want a silhouette so badly! My mom got one and they are AWESOME! I'm totally going to win this one! haha. We'll see! ;-) Anyway, click on the link above and check out all the details for this give-away. Or don't. That's fine! Better odds for me!!!
oh my gosh!!! i just about peed my pants!!!! if you and your family come to julia's baptism i would be the HAPPIEST girl on earth!!! im sooooo excited!!!!! ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!
and your new header is to die for!!! how amazing cute are your kids??!!?! that you ever say anyone else's kids are cute is sooooo nice cause hello yours are out of this world!!!!
and b/c im the best big sister you could ever have and love you just this much- i will better your odds and not enter that sweet drawing....cause lets be honest w/ 4 kids i don't have time to plug it in!!!
you have me soooooo excited!!!
LOVE YA!!! and good luck.
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